Collections Dev: Mini Collection Development - U2, A Retrospective

For this assignment for collection management, I was asked to develop a mini collection.

I. Introduction

This collection is intended for any organization looking to put up a retrospective of the Irish rock band U2.

a. Scope and Audience

The specific scope of this project is a retrospective of the band U2. The hypothetical location of this retrospective is the U2 Tower and Studio, Dublin, where there would be a U2 Museum. The audience for this collection would be anyone who would be visiting this museum. The U2 Museum would be similar to other music museums, with awards and the like being displayed in the correct sections. Each display would then have a bit of trivia about the resource in question.

b. Resources Availability

There are a lot of resources available in the this field. Magazines, journals, and newspapers such as Library Journal, Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, Publishers Weekly, as well as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and The Guardian, have excellent archives. The University of North Carolina Greensboro subscribes to these and many more such journals, which makes the resources available. There were some problems finding the materials, which will be addressed in a later section.

II. Process Summary

a. Selection Criteria

The following are a list of selection criteria that were used when looking for materials, as well as a note explaining how that criteria was used.

  • Content – what is this material about? How does it connect to the theme?
  • Language – can this be translated into another language (as the museum is in English-speaking Dublin, this will be gotten around a bit by having the museum tapes available at the ticket counter in several languages)
  • Veracity – how true is this information?
  • Completeness/scope – how complete is this resource?
  • Reputation of the author, publisher, editor, and/or reviewers – how is this person or organization perceived?
  • Reading level – what is the reading level of the materials?
  • Access points – are there multiple access points? What are the access points?
  • Ease of use – how easy is it to use this resource?
  • Physical quality – How durable is this resource?
  • Uniqueness – is this item unique to this collection?
  • Use by the hearing or visually impaired? How can this item be helpful to those that are hearing or visually impaired? (again, some of this could be gotten around with the tapes)
  • cost vs. projected use (in this hypothetical situation, cost is not an issue)

b. Problems

There were some problems encountered. It was hard to find credible reviews of films and musical albums, therefore most of those reviews are from Rolling Stone. UNCG doesn’t have access to the entire online archive of Rolling Stone, and the website’s information is less complete. For example, there is no issue number or page number for the review. In order to find many of the reviews, I used the classic “web-bouncing” searching, by starting on crowd-sourced sites, such as Amazon and Wikipedia. Amazon often has excerpts from professional reviews. All I had to do then was to use UNCG’s journal subscriptions to find the review in question.

I had been searching for reviews of a film that was released in 1989, and I was having no luck. I went to the film’s Wikipedia page, and from there to Rotten Tomatoes, who had links to professional reviews. I was able to find the New York Times review of this film this way. I also used Wikipedia as a starting point, which allowed me to find the positive reviews of the films and albums that I was looking for. I then used UNCG’s subscriptions to find the review in question. While these positive reviews were primarily Rolling Stone reviews, I did find a New York Times review, a Los Angeles Times review, and a Guardian review that I would likely have missed otherwise.

I discovered that the classic library review journals, while very well respected, did not have much in the way of reviews for books about musicians, musical albums, or films. This is what prompted the crowd-sourced searching.

c. Not included resources 

I only included the authorized biographies. There are several unauthorized biographies available, but they did not meet the needs of the collection. I did not include any of the collections of essays about U2 and their music. I also did not include Time Magazine, as the magazine is in the process of free-falling into tabloid territory. Therefore, despite the number of articles about U2 and articles authored by Bono, the magazine was not included.

III. Annotated List of Resources

I broke U2 into various eras, much the way that they would be at a museum.

1. U2: Not Just a Band (Philanthropy, History, and Philosophy)

This section is devoted to the material that is not specific to an album or era. This is material about the band, authored by the band, or about extra-curricular activities by members of the band.

a. Web-resource:

U2. (2014). U2 > Home. retrieved from

screenshot of the homepage
This is U2’s official website. It has subpages devoted to their discography, tour dates, as well as “Hearts + Minds,” which is where U2 include links to organizations they support. These organizations include Amnesty International, the Chernobyl Children’s Project, Music Rising, ONE, and (Product) RED (U2 – Hearts+Minds). After Bono’s bicycling accident over the weekend [16 November 2014], many websites linked to the official statement, on the official website.

Beauchemin, Molly. (2014, November 16). Bono in Surgery Following Cycling Accident. Retrieved from accident/

Clayton, Adam C, The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2014, November 16). From Edge, Adam & Larry. Retrieved from

Cuevas, Mayra. (2014, November 17). U2’s Bono injured in Central Park Fall, band’s website says. Retrieved from.

Newman, Jason. (2014, November 17). U2 Postpone ‘Jimmy Fallon’ Residency Following Bono Injury. Retrieved from

b. Fee-based database: Music Index (Online)

Music Index (Online). EBSCO. Bundled at $2,795/year

screenshot of Ebsco's Music Index Database Advanced Search page.
Music Index (Online)
Content is available in many languages, and the display can be set to many languages. For many of the full text articles, there is a feature where the database will read the article aloud. It is hosted by EBSCO, who are a reputable database hosting company. As shown in the picture, there are many search options available for someone to search with. As cost is not an issue, the cost per use isn’t particularly applicable.

Golderman, Gail, and Connolly, Bruce. (Spring 2004). The Sound of Music (review of the database Music Index). Library Journal, 129, 20-31.

c. Fee-based database: EBSCO Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. ISSN: 1097-0886. price: about $5,000/year

Screenshot of Ebsco's Academic Search Complete's Advanced Search Page.
Academic Search Complete
Content is available in many languages, and the display can be set to many languages. For many of the full text articles, there is a feature where the database will read the article aloud. It is hosted by EBSCO, who are a reputable database hosting company. As shown in the picture, there are many search options available for someone to search with. As cost is not an issue, the cost per use isn’t particularly applicable

Rogers, Michael. (2007, May 01). EBSCO Academic Search Complete (review of the database   EBSCO Academic Search Complete). Library Journal, 132(8), 24.

d. Magazine: Rolling Stone

Wenn, Jan (publisher). (2014). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from
ISSN: 0035-791X. Price: 2 years [52 issues] + 4 free issues = $40.00 (for 2 years). Print subscription.

U2 on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine
Rolling Stone Magazine with U2 cover. 
Rolling Stone is included because of its reputation – it has one of the best reputations for music and politics. While the magazine itself is not available in multiple languages, most of the article are available through the above EBSCO databases, which have translation abilities. There would be both an online subscription (with the U2-related articles indexed), as well as a paper subscription to the magazine.

Peters, Jeremy. (2010, June 28). A Magazine Back on a Roll. The New York Times, p B1.

Pogrebin, Robin. (1998, April 30). The Media Business. The New York Times. Retrieved from C%7B%222%22%3A%22RI%3A18%22%7D

e. Newspaper: The New York Times

Baquet, Dan (editor) and Sulzberger Jr., Arthur O (publisher). (2014). The New York Times. Retrieved from
ISSN: 0362-4431. Price: about $10/week (unlimited access).

Screenshot of The New York Time's logo.
The New York Times
The New York Times is included because its reputation for quality. It has well-respected authors, and the famed New York Times Book Review. There is nowhere better for a review, unless a Michelin star for a restaurant. There is a search box, where one can keyword search for any author, person, place, or object (a book or movie). Bono is a semi-regular columnist for The New York Times, and his articles would be indexed.

Morton, John. (Winter 2011).  Investing in Quality: The excellence of the New York Times is paying financial dividends (review of the newspaper the New York Times). American Journalism Review, 33(3), 50.

f. Journal: The British Journal of Politics and International Relations

Screenshot of the logo of The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
This journal receives has several articles in the various EBSCO databases, and many articles cite it. The specific article chosen is “Celebrity Politics: Bono, Product (RED) and the Legitimizing of Philanthrocapitalism,” where Nathan Farrell explains how people are using capitalism to be philanthropists, using Bono as the head of the campaign.

Farrell, Nathan. (2012). Celebrity Politics: Bono, Product (RED) and the Legitimizing of Philanthrocapitalism. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 14(3), 392-406. ISSN: 1369-1481. Price: £ 110.00/year.

Danchev, Alex. (2006). Non-British need read no further (review of The British Journal of Politics and International Relations). Times Higher Education, 1456,  34.

g. Reference Source: The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll

George-Warren, Holly, and Romanowski, Patricia (eds). (2001). The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll (3rd edition). New York, NY: Fireside. ISBN: 0-7432-0120-5. Price: $27.

cover of The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll
The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll
This encyclopedia shows the history of Rock and Roll in pictures. It has many, many acts in alphabetical order. It says who was in which bands, and explains how they related to each other. U2 is listed near the end, where it fits alphabetically, which means that a patron could browse through the acts that proceeded and follow U2.

Turkalo, David M. (2001). The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll (review of the the book The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll). Library Journal, 126(16), 90.

h. Print book: U2 by U2

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2006). U2 by U2. McCormick, Neil (Ed). London, UK: HarperCollins. ISBN: 0-00-719668-7. Price: $14.00

Cover of U2 by U2
U2 by U2
U2 by U2 is an authorized autobiography, where the members of U2 (Bono, Adam Clayton, The Edge, and Larry Mullen, Jr.) sat down with their manager (Paul McGuinness), and answered a series of questions. These questions start with their infancy (The Edge recalls one of his first memories), through the current time (2006). A long-time friend of Bono’s, Neil McCormick, edited the responses and created this book (U2 by U2).

Scaggs, Austin. (2006, October 19). U2’s Secret History (review of book U2 by U2). Rolling Stone, 1011, 36.

i. e-book: Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas

Assayas, Michka (2005). Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas. New York, NY: Riverhead Books. ISBN: 1-57322-309-3. Price: $23.95

cover of Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas
Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas
This book, according to the forward, was therapy. Bono talked, and talked, and talked, to Michka Assayas. He talked about his childhood, his love for his wife, his life, and his multiple careers. He talked about what was happening at various times in his life. This, like U2 by U2, is an authorized autobiography. It reads much like having a conversation with, or trying to interview, Bono (Bono in Conversation).

McCormack, Heather. (2005, March 15). Bono in Conversations with Michka Assayas (review of book Bono in Conversations, bought in e-format). Library Journal, 130(5), 86.

2. U2: the Punk Era (1976-1983)

The “punk era” is when U2 sounded more like a punk band than the “classic” or “modern” U2 sound.

a. CD: Boy

Clayton, Adam C., Evans, David H., Hewson, Paul D., and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1980). Boy [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10

Cover of U2 album 'Boy.'
Boy (U2 album)
Boy was U2’s first album. Reviews for it said that it had amazing potential, because of it sound. U2 were described as “talented, charming, and potentially exceptional” (Cohen). Trivia – the cover as shown here was not the American release cover (which was a stretched and distorted image of the 4 members of the band (

Cohen, Debra Rae. (1981, April 16). U2’s Boy (review of album Boy by U2). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from

b. CD: October

Clayton, Adam C., Evans, David H., Hewson, Paul D., and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1981). October [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00

Cover of U2 album 'October.'
October (U2 album)
Despite its standing as one of U2’s worst albums, October shows the band’s belief in God, a theme that will appear in the rest of their albums. The leading song, “Gloria” has Latin chants, and “Tomorrow” is about the death of Bono’s mother, another theme that will appear in later albums.

Pareles, Jon. (1982, February 04). U2’s October (review of album October by U2). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from

c. CD: War

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1983). War [CD]. Dublin: Island. $10.00

Cover of U2 album 'War.'
War (U2 album)
War leads off with “Sunday, Bloody Sunday,” one of the longest-running U2 songs. War is U2’s first true foray into politics, a theme that will appear on all subsequent albums. This album is a good starting place for someone who has not listened to many U2 songs, and is a punk fan.

Considine, J. D. (1983, March 31). U2’s War (review of album War by U2). Rolling Stone. retrieved from

d. Film: Under a Blood Red Sky

Taylor, Gavin. (Director). (1983). Under a Blood Red Sky [Motion picture]. New York, NY: Universal Island Records Limited (2008). $15.00.

Cover of motion picture release of 'U2: Under a Blood Red Sky.'
Under a Blood Red Sky (U2 concert)
Under a Blood Red Sky was a gamble, a concert filmed on a rainy evening at Red Rocks, Colorado. It shows the strength, the anger, and the ability that U2 brings to the table. It sets a precedent for U2 concert DVDs – issues at the beginning, and yet it turned out well (U2 by U2).

Pareles, Jon. (1984, December 16). RECENT RELEASES (review of film Under a Blood Red Sky by U2). The New York Times. Retrieved from /1984/12/16/arts/ recent-releases-under-a-blood-red-sky.html.

3. U2: the Roots Era (1984-1989)

This era, the “roots era” is when U2 showed their (Bono’s) fascination with American roots music. This is most notable on either edition of Rattle and Hum.

a. CD: The Unforgettable Fire

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1984). The Unforgettable Fire [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00.

Cover of U2 album 'The Unforgettable Fire.'
The Unforgettable Fire (U2 album)
The Unforgettable Fire shows off the guitar ability of The Edge. It is ethereal and almost mystic. The themes of religion and politics show themselves, with the leading song “A Sort of Homecoming” (which references the Irish Potato Famine), and the still going strong “Pride (In The Name of Love),” a song that mentions both Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr.

Loder, Kurt. (1984, October 11). U2’s The Unforgettable Fire (review of album The Unforgettable Fire by U2). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from http://www.rollingstone. com/music/albumreviews/the-unforgettable-fire-19841011

b. CD: The Joshua Tree

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1987). The Joshua Tree [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00.

cover of the U2 album 'The Joshua Tree.'
The Joshua Tree (U2 album)
According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), The Joshua Tree has a 10x Diamond certification, which means that it is a very well-selling album (RIAA). It is considered one of their best albums, and is their only RIAA Diamond. Hits include “Where the Streets Have no Name,” and “With or Without You.” It is considered the album to start a new U2 fan on. Trivia – this is the cover of the 20th anniversary deluxe edition cover (

Pond, Steve. (1987, April 09). U2’s The Joshua Tree (review of album The Joshua Tree by U2). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from joshua-tree-19870409

Rockwell, John. (1987, March 29). U2 Makes a bid for ‘Great Band’ Status (review of album The Joshua Tree by U2). The New York Times. Retrieved from 1987/03/29/arts/u2-makes-a-bid-for-great-band-status.html

c. CD: Rattle and Hum

Bono, Clayton, Adam C. , The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1988). Rattle and Hum [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $15.00.

Cover of U2 album 'Rattle and Hum.'
Rattle and Hum (U2 album)
U2 went to the American Roots of Rock ‘N Roll for Rattle and Hum. Songs written by Bob Dylan (“All Along the Watchtower”). Songs performed with a Harlem church choir (“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”). A song about US 66 (“Heartland”). And, of course, “Desire,” who rocks a Bo Didley-inspired guitar line. Trivia fact – lines from “Desire” (“and I’m a believer/when I’m beside her”) are different on, with “and I’m a believer/when I’m inside her” as the official lyrics (Rattle and Hum,

DeCurtis, Anthony. (1988, Nov 17). U2’s Rattle and Hum (review of album Rattle and Hum by U2). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from

d. Film: Rattle and Hum

Joanou, Phil (Director). (1988). Rattle and Hum [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: Paramount Home Video (2002). PG-13. $25.00

Cover of motion picture version of 'U2: Rattle and Hum.'
Rattle and Hum (U2 movie)
The feature film release of Rattle and Hum was a change from the usual “rockumentaries.” The collection of studio recordings and concert footage allowed for interviews about the concert footage or recordings. The most famous song off of the motion picture was the rendition of “Sunday, Bloody Sunday,” wherein Bono delivered the (in)famous line: “FUCK the revolution.” The song was performed on the day of the IRA bombing of Enniskillen. The cover image comes from a scene within the movie, where, during the performances of “Bullet the Blue Sky” (from which the lyric Rattle and Hum is heard), Bono shines a strobe light on The Edge (Rattle and Hum, Maslin).

Maslin, Janet. (1988, November 04). U2 Rattle and hum (1988) (review of motion picture Rattle and Hum by U2). The New York Times. Retrieved from review?res=940DE3DC1639F937A35752C1A96E948260&partner=Rotten%2520Tomatoes

4. U2: The Experiments (1990-1999)

The so-called “experimental” era is when U2 completely changed their sound. Hit songs include the groovy and danceable “Mysterious Ways,” as well as the stripped down “One,” and the smooth and processed “Who’s Gonna Ride Your Horses.”

a. CD: Achtung, Baby!

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1991). Achtung, Baby! [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $15.00

Cover of U2 album 'Achtung, Baby!'
Achtung, Baby! (U2 album)
Achtung, Baby! starts off with a song about change. And what a change it is. The band is only recognized when taken as separate elements, because, when combined into the hits and B-sides, this band is unrecognizable. Achtung, Baby! is considered one of U2’s best albums, and is considered a good place to start a new U2 fan on, if the fan isn’t as into roots or punk (Achtung, Baby!; Gardner and Gosfield).

Gardner, E. and Gosfield, J. (1992, January 09). U2’s ‘Achtung Baby’ : Bring the Noise. (review of album Achtung, Baby! by U2). Rolling Stone, 162, 50.

b. CD: Zooropa

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1993). Zooropa [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $15.00.

Cover of U2 album 'Zooropa.'
Zooropa (u2 album)
Zooropa started out as a short EP, and graduated into a full album. It was conceived and recorded within the tour for which it is named, the ZOO TV Tour. The album contains some of the most processed U2 sounds and danceable grooves (“Lemon” and “Daddy’s Gonna Pay for your Crashed Car”), the stripped down Wim Wenders inspired “Stay (Faraway, So Close),” and the post-apocalyptic “The Wanderer,” which was both written for and performed by Johnny Cash (Zooropa, U2 by U2).

DeCurtis, Anthony, and Ryden, Mark. (1993, August 05). ‘Zooropa,’ Mon Amour (review of album Zooropa by U2). Rolling Stone, 662, 63-64.

c. Film: ZooTV: U2 Live From Sydney 

Mallet, David (Director). (1994). Zoo TV: Live From Sydney [Motion picture]. Dublin, Ireland: Island (2006). $30.00.

Cover of motion picture version of 'U2 Zoo TV: Live from Sydney.'
Zoo TV: Love from Sydney (U2 concert)
Zoo TV: Live From Sydney is the only complete capture of the Zoo TV Tour. It, like Under a Blood Red Sky, was a gamble, as they were only able to film on one of the two nights in Sydney. Adam Clayton was unable to perform the first night, and credits this concert as being when he realized that he had, in fact, hit rock bottom. Therefore, unlike Vertigo 2005, there was only one night of footage (U2 by U2, Zoo TV, Vertigo 20005).

Greene, Andy. (2006, September 25). U2 – Zoo TV Live from Sydney (review of the DVD release of the motion picture Zoo TV: Live from Sydney by U2). Rolling Stone. Retrieved from:

d. CD: Pop

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (1997). Pop [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00.

Cover of U2 album 'Pop.'
Pop (U2 album)
Pop is usually considered in a race for last place, slugging it out with October for “worst U2 album.” It also has great reviews, as “it is such boldness that has enabled U2 to remain at the creative forefront of pop music for more than a decade” (Hillburn).  Pop had issues from the get-go, with the initial lyrics being stolen, and construction near the studio (Bono’s throat was sore for most of the recording due to the dust). The announcing of both the release date and tour dates before the pressing of the album certainly didn’t help. The last song, “Last Night On Earth,” was recorded with hours to spare (U2 by U2). That being said, this album shows off U2’s unique creative power, and Pop is accessible to fans who liked both Achtung, Baby! and Zooropa.

Hillburn, Robert. (1997, March 02). Snap, Crackle, ‘Pop’ (review of album Pop by U2) The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from 33843_1_pop-music

5. U2: The Mainstream Era (2000-2013)

These three albums are “safe” albums: loaded with radio hits, and smooth sounding. Hits include “Beautiful Day,” “Elevation,” “Vertigo,” and “Magnificent.”

a. CD: All That You Can’t Leave Behind

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2000). All That You Can’t Leave Behind [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00

Cover of U2 album 'All That You Can’t Leave Behind.'
All That You Can't Leave Behind (U2 album)
Despite the name, All That You Can’t Leave Behind is the realization that one can’t experiment forever, and that one must “circle back to what they’ve always done best” (Sweeting).  Best, in this case, being the key word. Songs include the stadium anthem “Beautiful Day,” as well as songs about love (“In a Little While”), songs about The Troubles (“Peace On Earth”), and songs about change (“New York”). This album is what U2 do best – religion and politics mixed together in a way that leaves you both understanding and wanting to know more (U2 by U2, All That You Can’t Leave Behind).

Sweeting, Adam. (2000, October 27). Time to get the Leathers out (review of album All That You Can’t Leave Behind by U2). The Guardian. Retrieved from friday_review/story/0,,388228,00.html

b. Film: U2 Go Home

Hamilton, Hamish (Director). (2001) U2 Go Home: Live from Slane Castle [Motion picture]. Santa Monica, CA: Interscope Records (2002). $15.00

Cover of motion picture version of 'U2 Go Home: Live from Slane Castle.'
U2 Go Home (U2 concert)
U2 Go Home is a better representation of the Elevation Tour than Elevation: Live from Boston. U2 is a live band, and it shows in this concert. What is unique this concert is that U2 on their home soil, at Slane Castle, Dublin, where they recorded The Unforgettable Fire. The concert was performed about a week after the death of Bono’s father, which makes it a very subdued and emotional concert. It is also one of the most political concerts of their career, as Bono lists the names of the 29 people killed in the Omagh Bombing, during “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” (U2 by U2, U2 Go Home).

Hoard, Christian. (2004, January 22). U2 Go Home (review of motion picture U2 Go Home: Live from Slane Castle by U2). Rolling Stone, 940, 80.

c. CD: How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2004). How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00.

Cover of U2 album 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.'
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (U2 album)
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb opens with “Vertigo,” the rocking song used in early iPod commercials. When people think of Bono, this is the Bono they think of – AIDS in Africa, ONE and extreme poverty, and U2 all in one. While not their best attempt, this album is why U2 is U2 –much like All That You Can’t Leave Behind, this album has heartbreak (“Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own”), politics (“Love and Peace or Else”), and the so-U2-it’s-like-talking-to-Bono “City of Blinding Lights.” It stands on its own (U2 by U2, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb).

Sheffield. Bob. (2004, December 09). ‘Bomb’ hits Big (review of album How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb by U2). Rolling Stone, 963, 172.

d. Film: Vertigo 2005//Live From Chicago

Hamilton, Hamish. (Director). (2005). Vertigo 2005//U2 Live From Chicago [Motion picture]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $15.00.

Cover of motion picture version of 'Vertigo 2005//U2 Live from Chicago.'
Vertigo 2005 (U2 concert)
Vertigo 2005 was filmed on two separate nights, and then edited into one night. It was filmed at the height of the Vertigo Tour, and shows how U2 U2 had become. During “Bullet the Blue Sky,” Bono goes political, first singing the chorus to “When Johnny Comes Marching Home,” before blindfolding himself with a COEXIST blindfold and dropping into the position seen on the DVD cover. This is one of the most political concerts that have been captured on video, after Rattle and Hum (Vertigo 2005).

“Hot Holiday DVDs” (review of Vertigo 2005//U2 Live From Chicago by U2). (2005, December 01). Rolling Stone, 988, 17.

e. CD: No Line on the Horizon

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2009). No Line on the Horizon [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $10.00
Cover of U2 album 'No Line on the Horizon.'
No Line on the Horizon (U2 album)
After a 5-year gap, No Line on the Horizon was released. This album, while, again, not being U2’s best effort, is important because it tracks the changes found in the band since How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Gone is the “radio” or “safe” sound, and back are the over-long mega songs (“Moment of Surrender”). Gone is the smoothness and processedness of the previous albums, and back is the Moroccan sounds of Achtung, Baby! (“Fez – Being Born”). It shows the changes in the band, complete with Bono’s extracurricular activities (No Line on the Horizon).

Fricke, David. (2009, March 05). No Line on the Horizon (review of album No Line on the Horizon by U2). Rolling Stone, 1073, 71-72.

d. Film: U2360° at the Rose Bowl

Krueger, Tom (Director). (2010). U2360° Live at the Rose Bowl [Motion picture]. Santa Monica, CA: Interscope Records. $25.00

Cover of motion picture version of 'U2360° at the Rose Bowl.'

U2360º Live at the Rose Bowl (U2 concert)
The 360º Tour was so-called because the stage was 2 concentric circles, and had fans surrounding the band on 360 degrees. There was an inner loop (the main stage) and an outer loop (the outer circle), with moving bridges connecting them. It was supported by The Claw, which supported the screens and speakers over the inner loop. The most interesting part of this concert is the so-called “steering wheel” microphone, which was a microphone (shaped like a steering wheel) suspended over the inner loop and allowing Bono to swing out over the crowd while singing.

Walters, Barry. (2010, June 24). U2360º at the Rose Bowl (review of motion picture U2360º Live at the Rose Bowl by U2). Rolling Stone, 1107, 85.

6. U2: Songs of Innocence and Experience

U2 goes back to the beginning.

a. CD: Songs of Innocence

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2014). Songs of Innocence [CD]. Dublin, Ireland: Island. $15.00.

Cover of U2 album 'Songs of Innocence.'
Songs of Innocence (U2 album)
Songs of Innocence was born in controversy, as it was downloaded, for free, onto Apple devices., prompting countless jokes, memes, and anger over the album. However, Songs of Innocence is the most auto-biographic album that U2 have yet released, with songs about their heroes (“Miracle” and “This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now”), their history (“California (There Is No End To Love)” and “Cedarwood Road”), and even their losses (“Iris (Hold Me Close)”). While Songs of Innocence sounds a bit over produced, it feels the way a U2 should feel – political, religious, and with a sadness that seems unending, yet is only temporary (Songs of Innocence).

Fricke, David. (2014, October 09). U2 Find Rock & Roll Salvation (review of album Songs of Innocence by U2). Rolling Stone, 1219, 71-72.

b. CD: Songs of Experience

Bono, Clayton, Adam C., The Edge, and Mullen Jr., Larry J. (2017). Songs of Experience [CD].   Dublin, Ireland: Island. $15.00.

Cover of U2 album 'Songs of Experience.'
Songs of Experience (U2 Album)

Songs of Experience is the second part of a set of albums. While not as strong as some of their earlier albums, it details the band that U2 has become. In "Lights of Home," Bono mentioned a near-death experience that completely changed his perspective on life, while "The Showman (Little More Better)" discusses the dark side of fame. "The Blackout" is one of their most overtly political songs, including the lyrics "Statues fall/ Democracy is flat on its back Jack/ We had it all/And what we had is not coming back, Zac/A big mouth/Says the people they don't want to be free for free/The Blackout/Is this an extinction event we see?", especially considering the song having been released on Facebook in late August of 2017, shortly after the events of Charlottesville, VA, and the removal of Confederate Statues across the United States. 

IV. Bibliography

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