SLO 5 - Professional Development

While I was an MLIS student at UNCG, I joined three different professional organizations: ALA, NCLA, and SNCA to help me in my quest for professional development. I joined NCLA through ALA, and use the NCLA listserve for job postings and for keeping abreast of conferences and other professional development opportunities. I have an ALA JobList account, which I use to search for professional jobs. I joined SNCA because I hope to pursue a career in archive and special collections, and SNCA has a lot of professional development and career opportunities on their website. I use the emails received from the various list-serves to stay aware of on-going trends, as well as to know what is happening in the LIS field. I also use the various list-serves to keep my eyes open for jobs. I hope to be more active in these associations in the future, as they are helpful to me and I would like to be a more active member.

screenshot of ALA website
ALA website
screenshot of ALA Joblist

While a student in the LIS program, I also presented two posters at the Graduate Research Expos. In 2015, I presented a poster on Libraries and Autism, and how people with autism are underserved populations at many libraries. In 2017, I will be presenting on a personal collection of photographs, and how I made them into a collection.

2015 Graduate Research and Creativity Expo presentation on Libraries and Autism Spectrum Disorders
2015 Graduate Research and Creativity Expo presentation
Libraries and Autism Spectrum Disorders

2017 Graduate Research and Creativity Expo Presentation of the Creation of a Special Collection of Historical Photographs
2017 Graduate Research and Creativity Expo Presentation
Creation of a Special Collection of Historical Photographs 
During the first presentation, I was at my poster the entire time, and answered a lot of questions about Autism Spectrum Disorders, and how libraries can better serve this underserved population. During this upcoming presentation, I was present the entire time, so I was able explain the photographs, why they are important, and what I did for my independent study.

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